University Bibliography Biblio KL and ORCID

The university bibliography Biblio KL, which is accessible campus-wide, provides an insight into the diversity of scientific publications at the TUK. As an archival instrument, it is essential for documenting the university’s achievements in science and research and increasing their visibility. The university library provides editorial support for the university bibliography.

More than half of the listed publications are freely available worldwide. In addition, a large part of the publications published in closed access is accessible campus-wide via TUK licenses.

The university library is pleased about your support and expressly welcomes you listing your publications in Biblio KL. Doing so will support the university in applying for external funding for supporting open access publications.

Have you already registered for ORCID? ORCID stands for "Open Contributor and Researcher ID" and is an internationally recognized personal identifier for scientists linking researchers to their research. You can easily and clearly be found online, despite variants or different spellings of your name, even if you plan to change your name. With ORCID, you can maintain your publication list in one place, saving time. Your publications are clearly linked to you and can be found online at any time, even if they are not recorded in databases such as Scopus or Web of Science. You can use your ORCID iD and profile for your entire professional career.

Online Coffee Lecture: Why an ORCID? (Video, 5:40 min)

In the last post tomorrow, we will inform you about useful open access tools.