Open Access

The DEAL contracts concluded with Springer Nature and Wiley contain an open access publication option which allows corresponding authors of the TUK to publish open access articles in most hybrid journals worldwide at no additional cost.

Please note: If you decide to reject the open access activation of your article at Wiley or Springer Nature, the TUK will still have to pay the publish and read fee.

The costs for articles in gold open access journals are invoiced to the university library. If the eligibility criteria are met, these costs can be funded through the DFG publication fund.

The open access policy of the TUK recommends publishing scientific articles as open access articles. Please note that your decision against open access cannot be reversed.

Please choose the option to publish under a CC-BY license which is in line with the Fair principles (

More information for authors:  

For further questions please contact the open access team (openaccess(at)