Financing of Open Access Publications

You have published an article in a gold OA journal and are also the corresponding author? Then you can apply for financial support for your open access publication fees (APC - article processing charge) via the university library's publication fund.

In contrast to the program of the last four years, the following new funding criteria apply in 2022: The university library reimburses a basic grant of 750,00 € regardless of the APC amount. The basic grant can be increased by an additional 250,00 € each through two criteria:

  • The article appears in a journal covered in Web of Science or in Scopus.
  • The corresponding author is a young scientist as determined by the Nachwuchsring of TU Kaiserslautern’s criteria.

If the APC costs are less than the basic grant or the maximum grant that can be achieved through additional criteria, you will only be reimbursed for the amount shown on the invoice.

Please use the checklist on our website to check whether your publication is actually eligible for funding.

Information on how to apply for funding can be found here.

Online Coffee Lecture: Publication Fund 2022 (Video, 6:53 min)

Tomorrow, you will learn how to publish open access by using the university library’s transformative agreements.